10 Quick Healthy Snack Ideas to Fuel your Workout

6893903470_7e4d4d262b_bWhen setting out for your next gym session, Zumba class, CrossFit workout or Sunday morning hike, how you fuel your body should be top of mind – it can make all the difference between powering through in those final moments or collapsing early on.

Beware of these food fads before your workout

The growing fad of supplement shakes, energy drinks, gels and goos which not only contain ingredients like added sugars, sugar substitutions, and copious amounts of caffeine, but have also widely been touted as a means of getting that “surge” of energy that promises to help you through a big workout. Unfortunately, however, with a surge also comes a crash.

A better option are nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods to fuel your workouts which can provide you with the energy you need without the blood sugar dip you don’t need.

10 quick snack ideas to fuel your workout 

There are a multitude of ways to fuel your workouts, as every person is different with different goals and outcomes in mind. When it comes to performance, we also strive for the balance of health, so here are some of our suggestions that can help with basic fueling, promote good brain, hormone, and gut health, and they taste pretty great. (Would we ever steer you wrong there?)

  1. Quick smoothie: almond milk/water, spinach, 1/2 a banana + almond butter
  2. Cucumber slices dipped in tahini sauce
  3. Hard boiled eggs + cherry tomatoes dipped in hummus
  4. Cottage cheese topped with blueberries + slivered almonds
  5. Chicken breast + a small sweet potato + peanut butter
  6. Tangerine + brazil nuts
  7. Greek yogurt sprinkled with pistachios and blackberries
  8. Chicken strips + red bell pepper strips dipped in guacamole
  9. Wild salmon salad and celery sticks
  10. Chicken salad in lettuce wraps

Of course if you want us to take care of these snacks for you AND deliver them to your door, we’d be honoured. Just give us a shout hello@dailydietitian.co.za


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